Wednesday 25 April 2012


Enock Gyan also known as Kofi Ubuntu, is expected to
run uncontested for the External Affairs Commissioner post

Four more aspirants picked nomination forms on Monday to contest for various positions in the upcoming May SRC elections while the Electoral Commission has extended the date of picking of nominations. 

Miss Gifty Amevor became the first aspirant to pick nomination forms on Monday morning after declaring her intentions to contest for the position of Women's Commission on last Friday. 

The happy-looking Diploma 1 student told our reporter Michael Lemuel she has what it takes to change perceptions about the position. 

The SRC Women's Commissioner position has attracted little attention as it remained unclear if any lady was aspiring for the office. 

Philip Atawura who many believed would have vied for the SRC Presidency followed suit to pick forms to contest for the Organising Secretary position. 

However, before him, former Speaker of General Assembly Godfred Tawiah Gogo had stormed the SRC office with his supporters to pick his forms. 

Enock Gyan the vocalist, quietly picked his forms just after Atawura had done same in similar fashion.  

Gifty Amevor has filed to contest for the
Women's Commissioner position.
He contests for the position of External Affairs Commissioner. 

Mr Gyan is expected to run unchallenged same as the other position though there are rumours that a Diploma 1 student could make a last minute attempt to challenge Godfred Tawiah Gogo for the slot.

Our enquiries have shown that the Electoral Commission has been forced to extend the date for picking of forms due to lack of interest in the Financial Secretary position. 

But EC Chair David Banamini denied in an interview with our reporter Lemuel that the extension was not entirely due to the lack of interest in the position. 

"You know the general perception around is that people normally are reluctant in turning up for things like these so we want to extend the date." He said. 

"The fact that no one has picked forms to contest for the Financial Secretary position is also one of the reasons why we are extending but not entirely." He added. 

Mr Banamini pledged that his office will seek to correct mistakes that occurred in last year's elections and present a more credible register. 

"We will notify the general student body of the voters register at the right time. We will encourage every student to check up his/her name in the register to ensure their names are in the list because anybody whose name does not appear in the register would not be able to cast his/her vote."

After filing of nominations next week, the Commission is expected to conduct an open vetting of all the aspirants on campus before a voting date is announced.

Meanwhile, the EC is encouraging students to present their objections and petition against any of the aspirants before Monday.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Ahead of May's SRC Elections, Ketenews' Gabriel Obodai Torgbor-Ashong asks if the Miss Communicator pageant is still relevant. Maybe the incoming SRC Executive would erase the item from the year's calender. 

“I am going to put up programmes, quizzes, talent shows and variety entertainment: My programmes; my programmes are going to be a hit!” 

These were the words of Anna Maria Nyame, the current Miss Communicator, when asked (i.e. after she was crowned) what she would do and be remembered for after her tenure as Miss Communicator. Her promises and assurances raised the hope of many for a better socially active academic year in the affairs of students on campus. 

However, barely a few days to the end of her reign, can you really say any of the above promises has been achieved? While some students contend they are yet to see the impact those promises have made in their lives, others say they don’t even know her at all.

So we ask: Why was Miss Communicator even instituted? What really comes out of it (thus its essence)? Is it still relevant in the lives of students? At least, last year we witnessed a breast and cervical cancer screening, radio talk shows among other programmes organised by the then Miss Communicator, Stephanie Adenyo. 

So what happened to the course the current Miss Communicator was supposed to have championed? What about the Talent shows, seminars and variety games she promised? Or probably she has not received the needed collaboration and support from the Students Representative Council (SRC)?

Perhaps, you might think she is not yet out of office to assess what she has done so far and that, it will be fair enough to wait till the end of her tenure. Well, you may have a point, but then, on this same issue, our Ashanti folks wouldn’t hesitate to say, “Agoro b3so aeferi anorpa”.

There’ve been a number of cases where Miss Communicators were called upon during major programmes on campus to give vote of thanks. The disappointing thing was that, we were on some occasions even tempted to believe that rendering Vote of thanks was part of the functions of a Miss Communicator. 

Could it be that the roles of a Miss Communicator are not clearly defined? As concerned students, we believe the role of a Miss Communicator surpasses just the rendering of vote of thanks. We hope to see a time where Miss Communicator would take its proper place in student affairs. 

A time when they would be called upon during functions on Campus, on TV/Radio and other gatherings, not to only render vote of thanks, but as resource persons

We again look forward to a period when ladies wouldn’t go in for Miss Communicator just because of physical beauty, being bold and confident (As said by a number of contestants at the recent and previous auditioning). Future contestants should consider what they can really do with the given time and resources to assist students on campus and society as a whole.

To the current contestants, the message from us is very short: “Drink deep or taste not”. You’ve taken a bold step and must be prepared to live up to the task. As you think about the privileges attached, so must you also think about IMPACTING the lives of students positively. 

Organizers of this pageant should also clearly define the roles for Miss Communicator Contestants (i.e. if it has not been already done).

The grooming process should continue devoid of any discrimination and favouritism; according all contestants the due support and respect they need and deserve. The grooming should also put the contestants on a higher footage to make it easier for them to raise funds and accomplish their projects effectively.

  Our wish is for the best to win.
Level 200

Monday 23 April 2012


Gogo, right, congratulated by EC chair David Banamini

Godfred Tawiah Gogo became the first to pick nomination forms on Monday morning at the SRC office to contest for the post of General Secretary of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. 

Gogo, who resigned as Speaker of General Assembly earlier this month, was accompanied by friends and colleagues from campus. 

He is counting on the experience gleaned during his tenure as Speaker to succeed if voted into office in the May elections.

"I sit back seeing myself as having done a very good job. The office of the General Secretary is the coordinating office of the SRC. Policies are initiated by the SRC and as General Secretary, I see to it that it is well coordinated." He told

As at 14:00 GMT, no aspirant had filed to contest Mr Gogo for the position of SRC General Secretary and he is expected to run uncontested as picking of nomination forms ends at 17:00 GMT on Monday.

Mr Gogo denied allegations that he has publicly campaigned for sole presidential aspirant Raymond Yeldidong Bayor. However, he maintained that he can vouch for his capabilities and credibility. 

Gogo signs nomination forms
"I have a campaign to prosecute myself so I don't see myself going outside to campaign for somebody else who is contesting for another position. I believe in the capacity and capabilities of Raymond Bayor and I believe in him. 

People who have approached me and asked about Raymond Bayor I tell them he is a good leader and they can count on him." He added.

He becomes the third aspirant to pick nominations after Yeldidong Bayor and Gifty Amevor picked nomination forms to contest for SRC the presidency and Women's Commissioner last Friday. 

Friday 20 April 2012


By: Sandra Dufie Manu

Yeldidong Bayor, right, with running mate Wisdom Agodja
picked nomination forms on Friday evening. Photograph by
Joscelyne Ahable

 Raymond Yeldidong Bayor, aspiring SRC President, on Friday picked up his nomination form to officially step into the race to contest for the SRC Presidency, assuring he would address the numerous challenges of the Institute.

Bayor, who could go unchallenged and is widely tipped to win the May SRC elections, declared the contest as a cakewalk should any aspirant step into the race at the eleventh hour.

The affable gentleman becomes the first aspirant to pick nomination forms five days after it was opened.

He presented a cheque worth GH¢250 to EC chair David Banamini.

Speaking at the SRC Office where he was accompanied by his running mate, Wisdom Agodja, and other leading members of his campaign team, the confident-looking Bayor believes his great vision for the Institute will earn him the mandate of the students.

He also lamented the numerous issues that face students of the Institute and promised to fix them when voted into office.

"We have so many issues that we have to address in this school, we have a number of problems. We need to examine our Exam Time Table, we need to examine our membership at council meeting, we have only one slot and ideally would need three I don't think that is fair." He told our reporter Sandra Dufie Manu.

Yeldidong signing his nominations
The outspoken L300 student stressed that student leadership must take a new trend with people of delivering coming into the fray.

"We are more than a thousand, so there should be a fair representation at the council level so they can fairly deal with problems of students. It's not fair to sandwich the SRC President in leaders who are not capable, but people who are knowledgeable and they can equally work together and even more knowledgeable than the SRC President." He added.

It is yet to be known if any aspirant will come into the fray to contest for the slot.

However, it is expected that Bayor will enjoy a landslide victory come May.

Other aspirants are expected to whisk away nomination forms on Monday morning.

Godfred Tawiah Gogo, aspirant for the General Secretary slot, will pick nomination forms on Monday alongside Isaac Kofi Batini and Enock Gyan all of L300.

 Isaac Kofi Batini is eyeing the SRC Financial Secretary slot while the vocal Enock Gyan will contest for External Affairs Commissioner.

Nominations will close next week.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


By: Akyereko Frimpong Manson

GIJ Chief Justice Raymond Yieldidong Bayor has officially resigned from his position, can authoritatively confirm. 

We broke the news about the outspoken CJ's imminent resignation from the position to contest for the SRC presidency slot on Tuesday.

Yieldidong, middle, granting an interview to TV Africa

Mr Bayor tended in his resignation letter on Wednesday morning to the SRC President Francis Gbadago, who appointed him to the office at the beginning of the 2011/12 academic year.

The president accepted the resignation letter and is expected to appoint a new Chief Justice within seven days.

Bayor, L300 student, must pick nomination forms before Friday to be able to vie for the position.

However, there is a stalemate on nomination fees for the Presidency as G.A have asked the EC to review their amount of GH¢ 400 downwards.

Bayor remains the only visible candidate for the SRC President position and is likely go uncontested or enjoy a landslide victory in May if a candidate pops up at the eleventh hour.

He performed his last constitutional duties on Monday when he swore the new Speaker of G.A and his deputy into office at the G.A emergency session.

Godfred Tawiah Gogo resigned as Speaker of General Assembly on Monday to contest for the SRC General Secretary position.


G.A rejected Banamini's outfit's Budget 
The G.A of the SRC on Monday unanimously rejected the Electoral Commission's budget, can announce.

The budget, which was presented by the Commissioner, Mr. David Banamini, was highly critiqued and subsequently found inadequate by the honourable members of the House.

The Commission has been mandated to present to the House, a detailed document that adequately represents their projected expenditure.

The Commission also had their nomination fees harshly criticised by the House.

Taking exception to the presidential slot which was set at GH¢ 400.00, the members and observers alike strongly opposed it.

A vote by the House dramatically reduced the rate the EC was demanding to GH¢250.00.

However, nomination fees for the positions of External Affairs, Organising Secretary, General Secretary, Financial Secretary and Women's Commissioner were not challenged by the House.

Nomination fees for these positions are set at GH¢ 150.00

Nominations are expected to close on Friday, five days after it was opened on Monday.

However, if aspirants fail to apply for any of the positions, nominations are expected to be reopened.

In last year's election, nominations were reopened after no aspirant expressed interest in the Women's Commissioner position.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Raymond Bayor is Chief Justice of the SRC
GIJ Chief Justice Raymond Bayor Yieldidong will resign on Wednesday,to contest for the position of SRC president can authoritatively confirm.

Raymond Bayor is expected to turn in his resignation letter to the SRC President, Francis Gbadago on Wednesday morning.

Bayor, in his late twenties,was appointed Chief Justice of the SRC by the President when he assumed office at the beginning of the 2011/2012 academic year.

The undissembling L300 student's soaring popularity on campus could help him to a landslide victory in the election.

He performed his last judicial duties on Monday when he swore in the new Speaker of G.A, Noel Nutsugah, and his deputy into office at an emergency session at the Chamber. sighted a copy of Mr Bayor's resignation letter on Monday and can reliably confirm that he is resigning from the position to contest for the SRC presidency slot in the upcoming May elections.

The SRC President is thus expected to appoint a new Chief Justice within seven days after he accepts Mr.Bayor`s resignation.

Meanwhile, is not privy to any information as to who the SRC president  will elect to act as Chief Justice for the time being.

According to information reaching us, Enoch Gyan and Kofi Batini, both in L300, will pick up nomination forms to contest for External Affairs Commissioner and Financial Secretary positions  respectively.


Monday 16 April 2012


A.G Bayor swearing in Hon. Nutsugah
Hon. Noel Nutsugah has been sworn in as a new Speaker of General Assembly, can confirm.

The outspoken former Sports Commissioner was taken through the required process by Attorney General Raymond Bayor and sworn an oath of office.

Hon. Godfred Tawiah Gogo who resigned from the position in furtherance of his political ambition vacated the seat and for Hon. Nutsugah to take up the seat.

Hon. Steve Salifu was appointed deputy Speaker of the house.


G.A meeting under session
First emergency sitting of the General Assembly is currently underway at the chamber.

On top of the agenda for the discussion is the EC's budget for the upcoming SRC May elections. have again cited a copy of the budget as presented by the Electoral Commissioner David Banamini.

The Speaker's eminent resignation and information on the incoming Speaker will also come under discussion. broke the news on the resignation of Godfred Tawiah Gogo during the weekend.

However, the nonsubjective L300 student of the Institute is chairing proceeding on technical grounds.

Below is a copy of the budget as presented to the General Assembly by the Electoral Commissioner.

The EC's Budget as presented by the chair.

Saturday 14 April 2012


Godfred Tawiah Gogo will resign as G.A
Speaker on Monday. Picture: by Joscelyne Ahiable
Speaker of Ghana Institute of Journalism's General Assembly Godfred Tawiah Gogo will resign on Monday, can reveal.

The nonsubjective L300 regular student is expected to present his resignation letter to Francis Gbadago, SRC President early Monday morning.

Gogo, in his late 20s, was appointed speaker of G.A by the SRC President when he assumed office at the beginning of the 2011/12 academy year. sighted a copy of the resignation letter on Friday and can confidently reveal Mr Gogo is stepping down to contest for the SRC General Secretary position.

The SRC President is expected to accept his resignation and appoint a new speaker within seven days, we have also learnt.

However, deputy speaker of the house Samuel Creppy is expected to act as main speaker until a new speaker is installed.

But have gathered that Mr Creppy tended in his resignation letter to the SRC President late on Friday and will not assume the position of acting speaker.

Reports says Creppy is uncomfortable working with the incoming Speaker of G.A Noel Nutsugah due to a fracas in the past.

But sources close to us indicate Sports Commissioner Noel Nutsugah is close to being named new speaker of the house.

With nominations set to open next week, aspirants are readying themselves to pick nomination forms.

We have also picked up information that Chief Justice Raymond Bayor Yieldidong will resign from his post to contest for the SRC President position next week.

Bayor, an admirable figure on campus is likely to enjoy a landslide victory in the May Elections.

Enock Gyan and Isaac Kofi Batini both in L300 are expected to pick nomination forms to contest for the External Affairs Commissioner post and Financial Secretary respectively.

The soft-spoken Philip Atawura may vie for the Organiser slot.

Friday 13 April 2012


SRC President F. Gbadago, right with  former Minister of Education,
B. M. Iddrissu, has renominated Mr. Ankah for the office of Dep. EC
The president of the GIJ SRC, Mr. Francis Gbadago, has renominated Mr. Ankah Everistus Selorm for the office of Deputy Electoral Commissioner.

The president made the nomination on Thursday during the fourth ordinary session of the G.A.

Mr. Ankah is expected to appear before the Vetting Committee early next week.

The Committee hopes that Mr. Ankah, who failed to appear before them last time, will honour his appointment with them this time around.

Filing of nominations will open next week. The G.A will meet Monday to deliberate on the EC's budget and decide on how much the nomination forms should cost.

Thursday 5 April 2012


Selorm E Ankah's nomination was rejected by GA
The General Assembly of the Ghana Institute of Journalism approved Electoral commissioner designate, David Banamini, on Thursday but rejected the nomination of his deputy, Selorm E. Ankah.

The Assembly was satisfied with the Vetting Committee's report and overwhelmingly endorsed David Banamini who, per the constitution of the Institute, was nominated by the SRC President, Francis Badago.

Selorm Ankah, who was also nominated by the SRC head, failed to make himself available for vetting.

GA reached a decision to reject his nomination.

However, Speaker of the House, Godfred Tawiah Gogo, stated clearly that Mr Selorm can be renominated by the SRC President.

"I must say that though his nomination has been rejected by the house, the President has the right to renominate him for the position."

Hon. Bawiah Charles, secretary to the Committee, told the Assembly it did everything within it's mandate to get Mr Ankah for vetting but the L400 weekend student failed to turn up.

"We tried him on his phone on the day of the interview but we never got through to him. Before that he was dully notified. We fixed another date with him and he failed to turn up again." He told the Assembly.

The Speaker is expected to communicate the House's decision to SRC President on Monday.

Live Updates from General Assembly Sitting

The high table waits!
Welcome to the Blog's live texts and updates from GA Sitting from the Institute's campus.

Currently proceedings have delayed due to late arrival of members of the Assembly.

Empty chairs at GA

Wednesday 4 April 2012


Godfred Tawiah Gogo is GIJ's Speaker
By: Akyereko Frimpong Manson

The Ghana Institute of Journalism General Assembly is set to approve the Electoral Commissioner and his deputy during sitting on Thursday, can confirm.

David Banamini appeared before the vetting committee on Monday.

The General Assembly, chaired by Godfred Tawiah Gogo, will review the vetting committee's report during its sitting and is expected to approve the nominations of David Banamini and his deputy.

An electoral body made up of elected members from various classes of the institute shall oversee the organisation of the May elections.

Approval of the electoral body on Thursday will kick start the entire election process with nominations expected to follow soon.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


                                                      By: Joscelyne Ahiable

Mr Banamini is set be confirmed EC
Mr. David A. Banamini, a L400 student, has been vetted by the constitutionally approved Vetting Committee for the office of Chairman of the Electoral Commission.

Mr. Banamini was vetted on Monday by the five-member committee chaired by Hon. Malina Kokoti.

He was nominated for the office of chairperson of the Electoral Commission by the president during the second sitting of the G.A.

The presidential nominee for the office of Deputy Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Mr. Ankah Selorm, is to be vetted on Thursday.

The Vetting Committee's report is to be presented for approval by the G.A during its third sitting on Thursday.


Mr Kpende, second from left, lecturing students.
Online business expert Mr Philip Kpende lectured students on new ways of getting involved in E-commerce on Tuesday afternoon at GIJ's L400 lecture hall.

The new media is changing the trend of modern business and other fields.

The 38-year-old immigration officer at the Ghana Immigration office took students through how the QNet system works.

QNet is an online international direct selling company. He counted the numerous financial and educational benefits involved in the online business.

Mr Kpende advised students of the institute present at the workshop to be adventurous and venture into it.

"I'm crazy about this thing because of the impact it makes. I will encourage you to get involved and join QNet. It will be beneficial to you and soon the impact can be realised." He said.

The workshop was organised under the auspices of the SIFE-GIJ branch.

SIFE Executives Philip Atawura, Isaac Kofi Batini and Enock Gyan were all present at the workshop.


Monday 2 April 2012

Joscelyn Ahiable Joins As Co-Editor

Joscelyn Ahiable is co-editor
Joscelyn Ahiable has been confirmed as co-editor for

The crafted 22-year-old clerk of the GIJ's General Assembly accepted the post after holding talks with founder Akyereko Frimpong Manson on Monday morning.

The astute lady will act in editorial positions; overseeing feature publications and news stories.

She will also supervise the conduct of interviews and it's transcriptions before positing on the blog.

Sakinatu Abass of L300 is also a journalist who has agreed to volunteer for this project.

Two more volunteers are needed to help with this project.