Thursday 10 May 2012


Financial Secretary aspirant Isaac Kofi Batini has released a press statement and your most reliable and comprehensive election news source presents to you an unedited release from Mr. Batini. 

Isaac Kofi Batini is tipped to win the SRC Financial Secretary
position in the May elections.

Fellow colleagues, Alumni and friends, the time has come for the Gbadago-led administration to exit the scene for a new SRC administration.

As such, yours truly, Isaac Kofi Batini, a third year Bachelor of Arts student of the Institute, would like to officially inform you of my intention to offer my services to students in the high office of the Financial Secretary of the SRC. Having played an active part in past and present SRCs in various portfolios, I am of the highest conviction that I am highly qualified to assume the responsibilities of the Financial Secretary of the SRC.

The office of the Financial Secretary of the SRC was established under Article 7, Clause 7 of the GIJ-SRC Constitution. By the provisions of this article, the Financial Secretary is supposed to keep and maintain accurate records of all financial transactions of the SRC; present financial statements to GA for approval before the execution of any plan or action needing finance; prepare and present periodic statements on the income and expenditure of the SRC at least twice every semester; together with President and General Secretary, be signatory to the SRC financial accounts; shall be treasurer to the SRC Week celebrations and perform any other functions not inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution.

Promoting TRANSPARENCY, INNOVATION and ACCOUNTABILITY in the finances of the SRC are very keen on my agenda. Among others,
• I believe strongly that the time has come for GIJ-SRC to also boast of assets. As such, I want to make sure the SRC acquires sets of canopies and plastic chairs which the SRC would be renting out for funds to support student activities. Also, this will cut down on the cost involved in organizing student programmes on campus.

• The Audit Committee will be strengthened to carry out its duties without fear or favor. Any student leader (hall executive, club executive, GA members and executive committee members) found to be involved in financial misappropriation would be accordingly dealt with. This, I believe will make student leaders more accountable to the electorates.

I therefore call for your support and vote in the upcoming election.
Your questions, clarifications and concerns are all welcome.

Thank you all.

In service,

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